ERSA works with the employment support sector to help inform the media, the general public and key spokespeople about the work of the sector, by explaining why people are out of work for a long period of time, and what the sector does to effectively support people (back) into the workplace.

ERSA  Represents the employment support sector

ERSA undertakes a wide range of communications and public affairs activity, supported by our dedicated Communications and Political Insights Network of professionals drawn from across the sector.

Our job is to make sure decision makers understand what works to best support jobseekers, meet the ever-changing needs of employers, and understand the dynamics of the sector. At the same time, we seek to ensure the media accurately reflects the work of the employment support sector and acts responsibly in how it conveys the support offered to jobseekers and employers.

There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise amongst the sector that we aim to share with decision makers and the media, taking the experiences from the frontline to the doors of Westminster, the nations, the regions and beyond. ERSA is active in Parliament, regularly meeting MPs, hosting parliamentary events and attending party conferences. 

We are also active in the local and national media, ensuring the voice of the sector, including jobseekers, is heard and is influential.