The forum is co-chaired by Tony Carr, Director, 4 Front Partners and Associate Professor Jo Ingold, Deakin University and will include sector updates and contributions from guest speakers and ERSA members.
For speaker suggestions and agenda items please email the team via
Shared resources & Previous Meetings
Results from the Digitalisation of employment services in the UK and Australia
Chaired by Liz Sewell
with Saffron Interactive (29 July)
Watch again (61 Minutes)
contact Saffron Interactive
Aptem have produced a number of important resources found below, including Blogs, Articles and Podcasts
21 October – Supporting effective personalisation in employability services – Here
29 October – Designing a data strategy for the employability sector – Here
26 November – How technology can deliver diversity and inclusion in employability – Here
1 December – Report the truth or a well-meaning fiction? – Here
10 December – The shape of employability in 2021 – Here
10 February – Diversity and inclusion: women, employment and the pandemic – Here
24 February – Mitigating the scarring effects of youth unemployment caused by Covid-19 – Here
4 March – Green skills essential for the UK’s economic recovery – Here
10 March – The role of transferable skills in economic recovery – Here
24 March – Employability the new normal – Here
8 April – Covid-19, BAME young people, and the consequences for employability – Here
The Employability Forecast by Aptem can be found at the links below, where you can download episodes and subscribe for further installments
Using Behavioural Science to support jobseekers in a pandemic
Dr. Darren Coppin, Founder & Head of Research, Esher House
– Download the supporting slides (dropbox)
– Watch the session again here (41.20 minutes)
– 10 ways to be a great (remote) job coach (Thanks to Esher House)
– Maximising Jobseeker Engagement (Thanks to Esher House)
Research Project: Digitalisation of employment support – download the slides (8 December)
Dr David Robertshaw, Leeds University Business School
– watch this session again and get involved (8.50 minutes)
Accessible Learning – watch the session again here (19 minutes) – download the slides here
Matt Kingswood, CEO, The Digital College
Call for case studies
‘Using technology solutions to improve outcomes for learners and jobseekers’
If you work with or know of an innovative digital solution that has been proven to work for learners or jobseekers, the ERSA team want to hear from you. We’ll host all suitable case studies on the website and will invite the best ones to present at future forums giving you a platform to speak to influencers, commissioners and decision makers in the employability sector. Email the team at with your future agenda items and case studies.
Changes in the employability market, challenges providers face and the role of digital in the future
Tony Carr, Director of 4 Front Partners chaired a lively discussion with contributions from Elizabeth Taylor, CEO, ERSA and Richard from Aptem Employ. Watch again via ERSA’s YouTube Channel here and see the newly launched ERSA Digital Forum future agenda being visualised in a digital word cloud.
Tony said;
‘As technology develops, the opportunities for service improvements in employment and skills services are vast. Join us in this ERSA forum to hear about new technology, overcoming the challenges of digitalization and to contribute your thoughts and ideas.’
Jo said;
Internationally, digitalisation of employment services is a significant and growing trend that is also moving fast. This forum is an important space for discussing emerging technologies and trends and how they can meet the needs of both candidates and employers.
Richard Alberg, Aptem Employ said;
Welcome to the ERSA Digital Forum, sponsored by Aptem Employ. We are delighted to be sponsoring this forum to bring together everyone in the employability community who has an interest in consuming technology and cares about digital and its contribution to today’s employability challenges. We look forward to meeting you at the forthcoming forums and discussing, debating and brainstorming how digital can play its part to help high volumes of jobseekers back into the workplace, both quickly and for the long-term.
More about Aptem Employ
Aptem Employ combines a self-service jobseeker portal with powerful case management, to get high volumes of unemployed people back into the workplace, quickly and for the long-term.
Get in touch:
My name is Adam Garcia and I look after our Aptem Employ clients. I would be delighted to hear from you:
07720 085580
Outcomes research study – Aptem Employ
Supporting effective personalisation in employability services