We are the specialist organisation which for over 30 years has contributed to a safer Scotland by working with people with criminal convictions or at risk of committing offences to give them the necessary skills to change their behaviour and lead fulfilling lives.

Apex Scotland’s work is about reducing re-offending, promoting desistance, tackling deprivation and making communities safer. In all that we do, we make best use of our resources to bring lasting value to individuals and society.

What we do

Whatever their background or circumstances, we want to ensure that those who are at risk of (re)offending are given the education, support and opportunities they need to change their behaviour, become effective citizens and lead fulfilling lives.

We understand that there are many reasons why people get involved in crime. Often the people who use our services have been both the victims and perpetrators of crime. Their needs are both complex and varied and we believe that each person should receive the service that is best for them. Our staff are committed to engaging with the people they work with, helping them to progress through the areas in their lives which, at that time, require more support and guidance towards a positive destination.

Who we deliver with

We are a vital partner, with public, private and voluntary sector agencies, in preventing crime. We recognise that all agencies need to work much more efficiently to maximise opportunities and have been pro-active in progressing this agenda. We currently have a number of partnership services across the country including Shine, New Routes and Inclusion Plus. You can find out more about our services here.

About us