ERSA’s membership includes both prime contractors managing supply chains and subcontractors working in supply chains. Some organisations can be both, working as a prime contractor in one area and a subcontractor in another.
We understand that acting as a subcontractor is not always easy. The process of bidding for work can be burdensome and costly, while contract delivery may not always be straightforward. That is why, ERSA, through its Supply Chain Forum, has been leading the development of a range of resources aimed at helping supply chains thrive and prosper. The Supply Chain Forum also acts as a space for members to problem solve collectively with any current issues.
To support all parties – commissioners, prime contractors and subcontractors improve standards of delivery and relationship, ERSA has developed a good practice guide in partnership with ACEVO and NCVO. This provides ten case studies of where relationships are working well and provides a set of recommendations for all parties to consider.
To help organisations contemplating whether to enter into a supply chain relationship with a prime contractor, ERSA has developed a self-assessment checklist, which provides a handy guide to the issues that need to be considered prior to entering into a relationship with a prime contractor.
To help ease the burden on potential subcontractors of bidding for contracts, ERSA has developed a Standardised Expression of Interest Form. All potential and actual prime contractors are encouraged to use this form to seek information from potential subcontractors at the outset of negotiations.
ERSA is a keen supporter of the Merlin Standard, the government’s standard of excellence for supply chain management, and sits on the Merlin Advisory Board. In the autumn of 2012, we surveyed our members on the operation of the Merlin Board and fed the results back to the Merlin Board.