(1 April 2021)
Please also see ERSA’s membership subscription rates for 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, here and the online application form here or contact the team for more information here.
Full membership is open to any organisation either delivering services or with an interest in the employment support sector, other than those delivering commercial services to full members.
Associate membership is open to organisations providing or looking to provide commercial services (such as legal advice, accountancy services or PR support) to full members.
The employment support sector encompasses organisations from all sectors active in the following fields:
Activities might be funded through public, commercial, charitable grant or contract income or through self–funded means. Services might have employment as a main outcome or a subsidiary aim.
Your membership fee is based on the proportion of your income devoted to employment support in your last full financial year. This might be 100% of your turnover of a proportion thereof. Banding is based on all income where employment is a primary or subsidiary objective.
Example one: an organisation with a total turnover of £80 million is delivering services in the field of health and employment and self employment which totalled £4.5 million in the last financial year. This is the figure which should be used to calculate your ERSA subscription.
Example two: a campaign organisation which also provides an advice line to its clients on employability issues. Income in the last financial year to support this activity is estimated at £500,000. This is the figure which should be used to calculate your ERSA subscription.
Example three: a funding organisation which grant funds charities in the employment support sphere. The cost of administration of these funds is £800,000. This is the figure which should be used to calculate your ERSA subscription.
Our qualifying turnover in our last full financial year from activities associated with employability in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including self employment (to the nearest £100,000) was: ______________________
Your ERSA membership subscription shall last for 12 months (the “Initial Term”) and thereafter shall renew for subsequent periods of 12 months (each “Renewal Period”) unless you give us no less than 30 days’ notice prior to the to the end of the Initial Term or subsequent Renewal Period, in writing, that you do not wish to renew your subscription. Subscription fees are non–refundable.
ERSA reserves the right to review and check subscription bands within any 12 month period and may do so where large employability contracts have been won, i.e the Restart Programme, thus moving you into a higher income bracket.
VAT is not applicable on ERSA membership subscriptions. Membership will be renewed annually unless notification is received at membership@ersa.org.uk.
Where payment is required for ERSA membership subscriptions, products and/or services cash, cheques, all major Credit/Debit Cards, Bankers Draft or BACS Transfer are all acceptable methods of payment. Our default payment terms are 7 days unless otherwise agreed. Payment by direct debit instalment is available at the discretion of ERSA.
Monies that remain outstanding by the due date will incur late payment interest at the rate of 8% above the prevailing Bank of England‘s base rate on the outstanding balance until such time as the balance is paid in full and final settlement. In addition, where outstanding balances remain unpaid without reasonable explanation ERSA reserve the right to invoice for services received, based upon a scale of charges available on request. ERSA reserve the right to seek recovery of any monies remaining unpaid 91 days from the date of invoice via collection agencies and/or through the Small Claims Court in the event that the outstanding balance does not exceed £3,000. In such circumstances, you shall be liable for any and all additional administrative and/or court costs.
020 3757 9415