Following the release of the government’s Disability and Health Employment Strategy ERSA has produced a summary of the strategy and is now issuing an official call for evidence to members to inform its response to the Disability and Health Employment Strategy.
A number of key questions have been identified which ERSA and DWP are keen for members to address. These are set out below. We are looking to formulate our response to government over the upcoming weeks and ask members to make submissions to by COP Friday 28 February 2014.
Asks for ERSA members
1. How can we identify the hardest to help? What are the key characteristics we should be looking for?
2. How do we define and measure outcomes – what results should we pay for? What milestones could we develop? How should we define progression – increase in hours / increase in earnings? What incentives should be offered to reward progression?
3. Does national commissioning fit alongside a more integrated local/specialist offer?
4. Payment by results – how far should this be used for specialist support?
5. How much should a ‘black box’ approach should be used to achieve outcomes? Should we be more prescriptive?
6. How do we evolve and improve – building on new evidence and best practice?