ERSA Live Week

After consultation with members, commissioners and contributors we have taken the hard decision to move the ERSA Live Week we had planned for the sector. We know how hard everyone is working at the moment gearing up Restart, capacity building for our part in the recovery from the pandemic which we know will be felt by many for years to come.

All of the sessions and activities we had planned, will go ahead as part of our ongoing membership offer and schedule of events and wider campaigning for the sector. We still plan to host ERSA Live Week from 22 -26 November. 

As part of our Youth Employment activity, we will be delivering a half day virtual conference on 22 April, 1-5pm, more on that coming soon. 

ERSA is developing a provider platform for the employment support sector
This is separate to the ERSA website and our new digital offer, although all will be complimentary. We are starting with our core membership organisations.

Wondering what ‘AskSeth’ is all about?
Elizabeth Taylor hosted a virtual information session for members to introduce the new provider platform with a call for action, watch that #000000“>here. 

Save the date, Employability Day is on Friday 30 April 2021 – AskSeth will be launched on this day and will be the basis of our online campaign. So make sure your organisation is well represented. 

Let’s get started, it will only take around 10 minutes, one response per organisation please.

Option 1: Tell us about your organisation (surveymonkey)

Option 2: Tell us about your organisation (google form)

Please only complete one option above, they both contain the same information!

Not the right person to complete this information for your organisation? Please could you forward to the most appropriate contact to make sure your organisation doesn’t miss out!

Interested in featuring in the platforms video library?
The power of the website is in communicating messages through expert video testimonies.

Would you, a colleague or customer like to share your knowledge and expertise, or perhaps your story, through a video Q&A format which will be hosted and accessed on the platform? We are looking for frontline advisers and practitioner’s top tips along with clients to tell their story!

If you have any questions, please email us at To make sure your organisation is included correctly when the site first goes live, please respond as soon as is practical

ERSA’s Membership Engagement Platform – seperate to AskSeth
As you may know, the ERSA team is developing a new digital offer for our members, and the wider employability sector. This includes a new responsive website and employability space bringing organisations together in one place to keep you informed, up-skilled and connected.

What’s included;

Think LinkedIn for the Employability Sector!

Each membership organisation will be invited to set up a profile showcasing their employability offer and services, special interests, contract wins, forums they attend, call for partners, job vacancies and all the usual ERSA and sector services and more besides! The new platform has been developed with our members in mind and to cope with the increasing demand for ERSA events and services.

Do you sometimes miss ERSA events and alerts?
You’ll also be able to set up notifications, save events to your calendar and manage alerts from your new profile area. Don’t worry we’ll have plenty of information, user guides and events to help get you set up and make the most of this new exciting resource.

Help ERSA shout about the services you deliver!
We will be in touch with key contacts for each of our membership organisations so now is a great time to update your profile here and make sure your organisation is listed on the ERSA website correctly here.

New to membership?
If your organisation has just joined ERSA, you should have received a welcome email to help you get the most of your membership. If you’ve just joined an existing ERSA membership organisation or would like to refresh, please email us at and we’ll send that over.

Not a member yet?
Once our new membership platform goes live, non-members will still have access to the public areas of our website, and access to things like our Kickstart and Youth Hubs Communities. However, to access all the features that our new membership area will offer, you’ll need to consider upgrading to ERSA full or associate membership. Now’s a great time to join the voice of employment support, membership fees start from just £300 for 12 months of unlimited access to ERSA events, services, and alerts. Read more and complete your application here

ERSA Bursaries for Youth Organisations  – open for applications until 17 March, 5pm
Supported by Youth Futures Foundation
For eligibility and online applications, see

The ERSA Employability Awards 2021
Originally scheduled to open for entries in February, we have taken the decision to move the launch of the awards later in the year on 18 June. In the meantime, the team will review the process, categories and format of the awards. The timeline, process and categories will be announced in the coming weeks, along with an awards pack with events and information to help you develop your entries.  Check out our 2020 winner case studies here.

Case Studies from the Employment Support Sector
Please tell us your stories and case studies to be featured on the ERSA website and through social media campaigns to promote the sector. Complete the online form here

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

The ERSA Team
020 3757 9415