Award Category: Employer of the Year
Sponsored by Successful Mums 

Employers showing exceptional commitment by partnering with providers in their area, supporting disadvantaged and long-term unemployed jobseekers

This award seeks to recognise an employer who has demonstrated exceptional dedication to helping jobseekers overcome barriers to enter and maintain work.

Employment support providers are asked to nominate employers who have:

The award winner will have a positive social community impact and will have demonstrated a real dedication to supporting the long term unemployed into successful and sustainable employment.

Employer of the Year 2021

Arcus FM
Nominated by Catch22

Arcus FM has been a model employer over the last year and has changed the lives of vulnerable young people seeking work, training and apprenticeship opportunities.

It has employed care leavers and those in the care system at significantly higher risk of long-term unemployment, social isolation, and negative life, through the Bright Light programme.

Highly commended:Marks & Spencer
Nominated by The Prince’s Trust

Despite a challenging year, Marks & Spencer has shown incredible dedication and support for disadvantaged young people, helping 695 jobseekers through its work with The Prince’s Trust. The company has supported the charity for over 15 years, investing up to £1m a year to help around 1,200 young people through employability programmes.


Further information on the awards

Successful mumsCategory sponsor
Successful Mums 

Back to work and start up business training for mums 

We provide online, flexible and interactive training to help mums find work, start or develop a business.

We do this through our training courses specifically for mums on our Successful Mums learning platform.

Our courses include weekly group webinars and 121 career or business coaching.

We provide direction, clarity and the confidence to make it happen.

Plus, links to our network of flexible friendly employers.


Mums into flexible or part-time work, new businesses created and lots more mums getting their mojo back.

Successful Mums