The focus of this research is to look at how levels of work engagement impact employee’s approaches to carrying out their work, and in turn its impact on motivation. This research can be beneficial as it looks at how employee’s approach their roles as an Employment Support Officer (ESO) and are influenced by level of work engagement and how this leads to their approach to organising their work and interactions with others to get their role done more effectively and dealing with demands.
This can have an impact on staff wellbeing, as well as being more efficient in tasks undertaken and result in gaining further understanding of factors leading towards a motivated workforce. As part of my MSc Occupational Psychology degree at the Birkbeck, University of London, Andrea Galloway is conducting a research study aimed at understanding how being engaged in their roles leads to the way they generate resources to get their role done more efficiently and the effects this has on their motivation.
What is the research about?
This research measures the ESO’s perceived levels of work engagement and how this may lead to them gaining more resources to get the job done more effectively, dealing with demands and challenges generated by doing this role and the effects on motivation. It compares how high and low levels of work engagement impacts participation in gaining resources to get the job done in a more efficient way, and perceived demands and challenges encountered and how this in turn, effects motivation. It is hoped that this research will support further understanding of motivation, for employees who work in a demanding and pressurised environment, but can gain resources and work effectively when faced with these challenges.
What will taking part in the study involve for organisations and the participants?
It would be appreciated if your organisation takes part in the study and this would involve helping with recruitment of the employees as participants by sending out an email link and making an announcement message.
Employees that agree to take part can be sent the below link to an online questionnaire, provide their consent to take part and complete the questionnaire which takes approximately 10 minutes.
What are the incentives for organisations and their employees?
Participating organisations and individuals can request a report of research findings. These will include anonymised, general trends as it is imperative to protect participants’ rights to confidentiality. Detail here a summary of the insights the research will deliver. The findings will provide insight into work engagement levels of ESO’s and how their approach to carrying out their work can affect motivation.
The rights of organisations and participants
Both participating organisations and employees have the right to anonymity and confidentially. This research has obtained ethical approval from Birkbeck, University of London, and complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes participants’ rights to secure data handling methods and the ability to withdraw without penalty. Data collected from this project will be used as part of Andrea Galloway’s MSc dissertation, future conference presentations, or publications. ERSA has invited Andrea to present findings at a future forum.
Next steps
Participants should click on the link below to be taken to the online questionnaire.
Thank you in advance of your involvement in the research, if you would like to discuss further, please get in touch with Andrea Galloway, Research Student or Kevin Teoh, Research Supervisor,
Department of Organizational Psychology
Birkbeck, University of London