Contributors to Racing to Net Zero
- Shaun Spiers, Green Alliance – Greening the Economy, Greening the Environment
- Stephen Evans, Learning and Work Institute – A more ambitious Net Zero ‘Economic, Jobs and Skills’ Plan
- Paul Nowak, TUC – Workers, Skills and the Net Zero Economy
- Duncan Brown, Emsi – The Demand for Green Jobs and Green Skills
- Ewart Keep, University of Oxford, Labour Market Intelligence for Green Jobs and Green Skills
- Jane Hickie, AELP – Filling Green Jobs with Level 2+ Apprenticeships
- Calum Carson, ERSA – Filling Green Jobs through Employment Support Schemes
- David Hughes, Association of Colleges – FE Colleges, Upskilling, Reskilling and Net Zero
- Susan Pember, HOLEX – Adult and Community Education and Net Zero
- Nick Hillman, HEPI – Universities and Net Zero
- Bill Watkin, Six Form Colleges Association – 16-18 Education and Net Zero
- John Widdowson, Former FE Principal – 16-18 Level 3 T Levels and Net Zero
- Rebecca Conway, Federation of Awarding Bodies – Net Zero and the ‘Level 3 and Below’ Curriculum
- Charlotte Bonner, Education and Training Foundation – Education for Sustainable Development and the FE Workforce
- Adrian Anderson, UVAC – Green Jobs, Apprenticeships and Higher Technical Education
- Victoria Hands and Stephen Peake, The Open University – Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Racing to Net Zero authors raise a number of important issues for developing a post-16 education and skills response including:
- The need to differentiate between green jobs and green skills within existing jobs. The post-16 education and skills system will need to respond to both.
- Upskilling and reskilling to meet the transition to Net Zero is not the sole domain of Level 4-8 Higher Education. Upskilling and reskilling at Level 3 and below will also be required to meet the needs of green jobs and green skills for existing jobs.
- The government cannot rely solely on apprenticeships for upskilling and reskilling at Level 3 and Level 2 for green jobs. As apprenticeships are employer employer-driven, levy payers may wish to fund non-green jobs through apprenticeships.
- The need for data on the proportion of green gig jobs as a share of green jobs that will be created. Green gig jobs with insecure income may not be as attractive to young people and adults. Insecure incomes may also prevent young people and adults from upskilling and reskilling if they need to put earning before learning.
- The need to follow the lead of providers developing strategies to embed education for sustainable development in Level 2 to Level 6 qualification and academic and vocational courses (including T levels and Higher Technical Qualifications).
- Understanding the role of whole institution strategies for transitioning to Net Zero. Institutions in the post-16 sector are already implementing strategies that cover decarbonising estates, incorporating education for sustainable development in teaching and learning, and providing a voice for learners of all ages to initiate change to reduce global warming.
To read the authors’ recommendations download the full paper.