As part of today’s event delivered by the Resolution Foundation the following report has been released; 

The Chancellor’s Autumn crunch: Assessing the key economic decisions to come

Full event details can be found here

Watch the event again here (YouTube)

Read the report ‘To govern is to choose: The choices facing the Chancellor this Autumn’ here. 

Further information: 

The Resolution Foundation is an independent think-tank focused on improving living standards for those on low to middle incomes. We work across a wide range of economic and social policy areas, combining our core purpose with a commitment to analytical rigour. These twin pillars of rigour and purpose underpin everything we do and make us the leading UK authority on securing widely-shared economic growth.

The Foundation’s established work programme focuses on incomes, inequality and poverty; jobs, skills and pay; housing; wealth and assets; tax and welfare; public spending and the shape of the state, and economic growth.
