The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) has appointed a new CEO, Chair and Vice Chair of the national membership body for the employment support sector.
Following an open recruitment process to find a new CEO, ERSA is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Taylor will take up the permanent role from November. Elizabeth, who has been leading the organisation since December 2018, as interim Chief Executive, takes up the position of CEO at a pivotal time for the employment support sector in the UK.
Elizabeth, has worked in the sector since the 1980s originally as a social enterprises business advisor and trainer. Elizabeth then moved into advice and training being a manager and leader since 1989. Elizabeth brings the experience of delivering and managing programmes funded by 24 different funding regimes. Elizabeth has been on the ERSA board since 2014, she is an industry leader ready to drive ERSA through its next stage.
Elizabeth is taking up the role of Chief Executive as ERSA leads the campaign for replacement funding for employability provisions through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Elizabeth will be working closely with other organisations seeking to secure funding for projects addressing employment, skills, anti-poverty and community projects.
Elizabeth will be reaching out to all ERSA members and potential members in the coming months with the aim of bringing all organisations delivering employment support into ERSA membership, a revived ERSA offer will balance the interests of the large prime contract holders, mid-sized contract holders, sub-contractors, local authorities, housing, specialist and community providers.
Elizabeth Taylor said “the employment sector is changing and evolving, ERSA is ready to embrace this change, we look to build our membership to include every organisation however large or small.”
ERSA has also appointed a new Chair and Vice-Chair of the ERSA board. Richard Clifton, Chief Commercial Officer at Shaw Trust, one of the largest charities in the industry, has been elected as the new chair of the ERSA board. With thirty years’ experience within the employment and skills sector Richard brings a breath of knowledge to the post from both the charity and commercial sectors. His extensive work in the employment and skills sector, includes management of prime contracts for DWP, ESF and local Authorities. He has led successful bid teams, developed and supported supply chains and been an advocate for both the sector and disadvantaged groups.
Joining Elizabeth and Richard as ERSA Vice-Chair is star of BBC Two’s Employable Me, Dr Nancy Doyle, CEO at Genius Within CIC, a social enterprise set up in 2011 to help people with neurodiversity to fulfil their potential in employment and their careers. Elizabeth will now work with Richard and Nancy to ensure that ERSA remains honed, refreshed and passionate about providing a voice to the employability sector. ERSA will continue to campaign for high quality services for the UK’s jobseekers with a particular emphasis on those furthest away from the labour market which the majority of ERSA members deliver.
If you’d like to get in touch with Elizabeth, you can email her directly at Alternatively, to find out more about ERSA’s work, please visit the website or get in touch with us via
Join ERSA at our National Conference on 27 November, more information and how to book can be found here.