Today saw the release of the latest tranche of Work Choice statistics. The Work Choice programme is a specialist disability programme designed to support people with moderate to severe disabilities, health problems and impairments towards and into work. The statistics cover the period up to and including September 2013.
Kirsty McHugh, ERSA Chief Executive, commented on today’s statistics:
“ERSA is delighted to see that the Work Choice programme is performing well, supporting a growing number of disabled people into employment, with 43 per cent of those who started the programme between October 2012 and March 2013 getting into work by September 2013.
“ERSA also welcomes the improvement by providers in data collection of primary disability indicators and the role this improvement will play in in better understanding those on the Work Choice programme
“However we have continued concerns that there remains a significant gap of 27 per cent, for the latest cohort, between the number of people referred to the programme, and those starting it. ERSA believes government should work further with industry to facilitate better handovers, enabling even more people with disabilities to benefit from the support offered by the scheme”