To support its wider policy work, ERSA conducts its own research into employment support in the UK. This research draws on the significant amounts of data and experiences of ERSA’s member organisations in delivering effective employment support.


ERSA guidelines for commissioners in Local Authorities.

Employment Support in the UK: Key statistics briefing

This paper aims to give a brief overview of the UK employment picture in figures. 

Work Programme Performance Report

Quarterly report examining job starts achieved under the Work Programme, to accompany quarterly DWP reporting on sustained outcomes.


More than Words: Rethinking employment support for disabled job seekers

ERSA’s report with WPI Economics modelling the impact of the Work and Health Programme and cuts to employment support on disabled jobseekers.

The Economic Impact of the Work Programme

Report showing the economic impact of the Work Programme.

Evolution not revolution

Recommendations for the future provision of employment support for the long term unemployed

Lessons from the Frontline:The ERSA Guide to Effective Partnership between Employment Support and Healthcare Professionals

A guide developed by ERSA and Shaw Trust on effective partnerships between employment support and healthcare professionals, showcasing examples of good practice.
