Your ERSA Membership and COVID-19

ERSA is currently experiencing higher than usual volume of requests from members and other orgasnisations affected  by Coronavirus pandemic. ERSA’s Chief Executive will be prioritising those organisations who are in most need. Get in touch via in the first instance. 

If you are not already subscribed to receive email updates from ERSA you can sign up here.  

ERSA’s privacy policy   Follow @ERSA_news on twitter and on Linkedin 

The latest #ERSAOnline meetings can be found at (follow us there to be the first to hear when meetings and webinars go live)

Coronavirus and your wellbeing

All of us are worried about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it will affect us and those we love. We are still here to support you and to make sure everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.   

MIND’s information hub provides advice on how to support your mental wellbeing during this period. This includes practical advice on coping with staying at home, tips for employers on supporting yourself and your team, and updates on how the new coronavirus laws could affect your rights. If you’re a young person struggling at this time, there’s also some information for you. 

Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic. (11 May 2020)

The government, in consultation with industry, has produced guidance to help ensure workplaces are as safe as possible. These 8 guides cover a range of different types of work. Many businesses operate more than one type of workplace, such as an office, factory and fleet of vehicles. You may need to use more than one of these guides as you think through what you need to do to keep people safe. Read the guidance here.

Claims service for the Self-employed opening on 13 May

The claims service will open on 13 May and is being delivered ahead of the original timetable. This will help millions of self-employed people, covering a wide range of industries and jobs, whose livelihoods have been adversely affected by the coronavirus.

The claims process will be very simple, and those eligible will have the money paid into their bank account by 25 May, or within six working days of completing a claim. 

Full details

Legal advice

BDB Pitmans LLP  have developed a useful COVID-19 hub to help answer legal matters relating to employment law and HR Issues surrounding the pandemic

Stay at Home: Activities & tips to get through the lockdown – download the free activity pack here

While the country is in lockdown and we are all being asked to stay at home, it can be hard to find things to do. This booklet has a few activities, tips and ideas. We hope it gives you some inspiration and helps you to keep busy during this tough time. Enjoy! 

Provided by Derventio Housing Trust. Derventio Housing Trust is a registered social landlord providing accommodation and support to people facing homelessness. Through housing and specialist projects we support people facing difficult circumstances to improve their health and wellbeing, increase resilience and prepare for independent living, learning and employment.

Staying healthy at home

Free online training courses

Youth Employment UK  have created two Coronavirus support pages, one for young people and one for employers. There is also a free skills and careers booklet for young people aged 14-24.

Institute of Employment Studies

Weekly vacancy analysis: Vacancy trends in week-ending 26 April 2020

Weekly vacancy analysis: Vacancy trends in week-ending 19 April 2020

Getting Back to Work: Dealing with the labour market impacts of the Covid-19 recession

IES Working at home wellbeing survey – interim findings

People Management have a live blog which talks about what employers are doing to tackle the COVID-19 crisis – here

Launching an economic lifeboat: The impact of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – read the report

National Careers Service have launched a Skills Toolkit here

DWP Partners

The Department for Work and Pensions commissions a range of organisation who deliver services that support unemployed jobseekers.

Be a work hero – help keep Britain Running

#KeepBritainWorking – Supporting businesses and workers through this National Emergency through a campaign to #KeepBritainWorking. Whether you’re looking for work or seeking ways to sustain your business, help is at hand.

#FeedTheNation – Staffline Recruitment and PeoplePlus are responding to this unprecedented challenge in the form of a nationwide recruitment campaign, to support the UK’s essential services, including food supply, retail and delivery.

Employ GM  – Supporting Businesses and helping people into essential work during COVID-19 and beyond

The Shaw Trust Care Academy is your one-stop shop for care careers. It offers professional advice and information helping future carers find the best training and qualifications, and employers the right staff for their need. our UK supermarkets during these challenging time

DWP Employment Category Newsletter  – Spring 2020 (dropbox)


Message from DWP: In light of the escalating Covid-19 situation we have to temporarily stop work on the development of DPS2. We are sure you will appreciate that at present we are unable to give you a timescale for when this position may change. Our short term contingency is for the original DPS to continue in its current form albeit there will be little or no buying activity while the current Covid-19 restrictions are in place and to pause accreditations during the month of April. Meanwhile consideration is being given as to whether an extension to the present end date for the current DPS of 31 October 2020 is required. We will provide another update as further plans are finalised. 

Useful links and information for employment support providers and other businesses

LEP Network – See the latest advice and guidance from LEPs, Government, and official bodies on the support available to employers and businesses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak here

What government support is available during COVID-19 – A comprehensive, useful and updated resource has been produced by Company Debt and can be accessed here

Support for IPS Service Providers

Papworth Trust provides tips on making the most our of working at home here

Remote Working 

Genius Within have a number of webinars coming up, delivered by psychology and HR teams? Click the links below to see dates and book your place!

Your income and Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a free resource for people to know what welfare support is available to them with all the most commons questions answered.

The Benefit and Budgeting Calculator has been updated with each of the changes as they were announced. The calculator has seen unprecedented use showing how concerned people are for their finances

For local authority data analytics clients, Policy in Practice have identified the six key groups likely to be impacted by the measures put in place to contain Coronavirus (COVID-19). These insights (shown visually here) have been useful to senior leadership teams planning their response to households hit by Coronavirus (COVID-19), to better target support. 

Coronavirus and tackling vulnerability

26 March, Webinar by Policy in Practice

As new measures to control Coronavirus (COVID-19) are introduced, Policy in Practice were joined by RedQuadrant to discuss how data analytics can identify people who are most highly impacted by the virus, and the best way to engage with those of us who are most vulnerable.

Listen back to hear:

  • What policy measures have been put in place to protect people
  • Who is vulnerable: The three main groups
  • How you can best identify vulnerable people
  • How you can best engage with vulnerable people

Coronavirus and tackling vulnerability webinar on demand

View the accompanying slides here

IR35 and Coronavirus update
Webinar from IPES
View the webinar here. 

IPSE have developed a Coronavirus (COVID-19) hub for the self employed with all the latest updates here.  Go directly to the FAQs section here.

Developing Positive Coping Strategies
On demand webinar from the Good Things Foundation
View the accompanying slides

Good Finance have designed a hub to support social enterprises and charities navigate through the challenges of COVID-19 here

NCVO guidance for the voluntary sector here

Coronavirus Emergency Funds Available Now  – here

150 UK small business grants to apply for right now – here

entitledto have provided advice for individuals affected by Coronavirus on their website here

Further information:

