Parliamentary inquiry – more vital than ever
By Communities that Work via

In March, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Social Mobility launched a national inquiry into the social housing earnings and employment gap, supported by Communities that Work and its partners. The Inquiry runs until September and is calling for evidence from sector experts and social housing providers and residents.

Launched before the full onset of the coronavirus crisis, the Inquiry remains more vital than ever. With damage to the economy likely to exceed previous recessions, the role of UK housing providers in aiding recovery will be critical for our communities.
In response to the new context in which we’re working, the Inquiry has:

The evidence gathered will inform the solutions the Inquiry proposes in its final report which will be launched in Westminster in October 2020.

Lynsey Sweeney, Managing Director of Communities that Work, said: “The central questions of the Inquiry are as relevant during the pandemic as before. This Inquiry is one of the first in Parliament to respond to the joint issues facing social housing and employment as we emerge from this crisis. By sharing their expertise with this Inquiry, Communities that Work’s members will strengthen the role of housing providers in building an inclusive economic and social recovery from Covid-19.”

Get involved
Communities that Work partners and members have a wealth of information and insights to contribute by submitting evidence as follows:

Please encourage colleagues to participate and join in the conversation on Twitter #APPG #HousingWork

Communities that Work is in business for the social housing sector.